It is considered to be that girls like to kiss much more, than men, but in practice it not always so. In case the girl does not like to kiss, and her guy and not against, this question is just not brought up. And here for those couples in which the man appreciates a good kiss it can become the real problem.
Why the girl does not want to kiss?
For a start sort out as the situation is: she does not want to give you kiss on some separate moments, or just the girl does not like to kiss why she refuses it? You will hardly affect her personal sympathies, and here if the refusal of a kiss is motivated with temporary unwillingness, there is a sense to deal with the reasons. They can be such:
- She considers that you too hurry (concerns the first kiss).
- She is not sure that you are pleasant to it enough.
- For it the kiss designates more serious stage of the relations, and she does not want to cross this line.
- It has someone, and she just flirts with you (in situations of terms of intimacy).
- It long worked on a make-up of lips and it grieves it to spoil it.
- She tends to perceive a kiss as a prelude in certain situations, and does not want to provoke you.
- The girl is simply fastidious and does not love such caress.
- You have not healed teeth, or there is an unpleasant smell from a mouth.
- You are not able to kiss, your equipment is not pleasant to it.
- She is not able to kiss and hesitates to confess to it.
- The girl does not want to kiss because it is not sure of freshness of the breath.
- It is passionate nature, and it does not want to be excited from kisses once again.
- It has an unpleasant experience of a kiss, and she does not want to repeat it.
- You just choose inappropriate time and the place for kisses.
- The girl is offended by you for something (in this case there will be also other signs of offense).
- It or at you has a herpes (cold on a lip), and she does not want to carry infection.
The reasons can be various, and it is possible to guess long enough. Try to ask directly – in case she deems the answer appropriate, you learn the truth.
What to do if the girl does not want to kiss?
If the girl does not want to pass to kisses, and at the same time you do not know the exact reason, try to make everything that depends on you:
- Carefully you watch hygiene of an oral cavity, heal painful teeth, eliminate a smell (sometimes for this purpose it is necessary to address the gastroenterologist).
- Talk to it about kisses, learn what equipment is pleasant to it more.
- Suggest to try all types of kisses described in "Kama Sutra".
- Choose the suitable place (not crowded, not cold) and time (not after and not at meal time, for example).
If you are really disturbed by refusals of the girl of kisses, it is the best of all to tell about it are perhaps, to solve this problem much more simply, than you assume.