Thin women often wish to make the hips more volume. It is for this purpose recommended to perform daily power exercises which will promote inflating of muscles of hips and buttocks.
1. Get up directly, part legs on two width of shoulders, extend hands at the level of the breast, link fingers in the lock. With the exhalation lunge on the right leg, having arranged the hip parallel to the floor. Record the pose for 20 seconds, then in this position do still big squats on the exhalation, on the breath rise up, without unbending the right leg completely. Make 15–20 such squats and with the breath return to the home position. Repeat exercise on the left leg.
2. Lay down on the floor, put heels near buttocks, put hands for the head. Put the foot the right of the leg for the knee of left. On the breath raise hips up, with the exhalation lower them, without concerning the floor. Make 20–25 such rises and change legs.
3. Kneel, bend hands in elbows, completely put forearms on the floor, you hold the back exactly. Take away the right leg back, pull the sock on yourself. On the breath raise the right leg as it is possible above up, with the exhalation lower it, without concerning the floor. Make 20-25 more such rises, and change the leg.
4. Get up on hunkers, put palms on the floor near the foot. With the exhalation unbend knees, raise hips up. On the breath return to the home position. Make 20 squats.
5. Kneel, palms arrange under shoulders on the floor. On the breath raise the right leg bent in the knee aside. With the exhalation lower it down, without concerning the floor. Make 20–25 swings the right leg. Repeat exercise on the left leg.
6. Lay down on the right side, put the hand of the same name under the head, put the left palm before yourself. Bend the knee of the left leg, put the foot behind the shin of the right leg. Pull the sock of the right leg on yourself, and on the breath raise the right leg over the floor, aspiring the internal surface of the hip up. With the exhalation lower the leg closer to the floor. Repeat exercise of 20-40 times. Change the leg.