Initially yoga it was mentioned in the culture of Ancient India, various asanas are known to people more than one thousand years, and those who are considered teachers of yoga, say that the mystery of its birth as sport will open only that who reached the total wisdom of yoga.
The very first and present professional yogis know enough about human nature and also that it is necessary to make to receive internal accordions. Since ancient times was considered that usually move nature of the person mind, emotionality and activity. And so, according to wisdom of yogis if to keep all these forces in equal proportions, respect for balance between these three components is possible and it is easier for person to operate itself during meditations. From the very beginning of the yogi wanted to achieve spiritual development for human essence, and in many years also the fact that the person who devotes free time to this sport supports less was proved or doesn't support at all. Naturally, the yoga won't become the panacea from the diseases which are available already, the self-preservation mechanism which will help to strengthen immunity initially will be just started. It is proved as well the fact that some techniques in yoga are capable to cure people with quite heavy anamnesis, but also the fact that such treatment gives in not to all teachers, and only some is interesting.Scientists long studied those who constantly practice yoga including the people having chronic diseases. It is evidence-based that these occupations accelerated recovery process. Is as well the defined list of diseases which don't maintain the impact of yoga and disappear. Carry the depression, epileptic seizures, dorsodynias, the diabetes mellitus to them, also the yoga helps to normalize work of the organism during the women's menopause and the premenstrual molimina. Occupations yoga have no age or physical restrictions. So, for example, the people suffering from problems with the backbone can make some asanas only by means of belts of fabric or wooden levels, but it is obligatory under supervision of the teacher. Independent performance of such exercises is fraught with certain consequences.
Also the fact that constants of occupations yoga improve function of reproductibility of the organism is also proved, strengthen back muscles, try to obtain acceleration of processes of digestion and the metabolism. Meditation and the correct breath promote clarification of ways of breath and also strengthen the nervous and immune systems of the organism, at all this any load of cardiac muscles and actually heart isn't observed. On the contrary, occupations such sport promote strengthening of the cardiovascular system of the organism, allow to lose extra kilos and also normalize indicators of sugar and blood pressure. The organism increases own ability to endurance and also the immunity of all organism increases.