As the cat goes

As the cat goes

Domestic cats differ not only ability to land on all four paws, but also exclusively graceful, really unique gait. Unlike dogs, they move absolutely imperceptibly, and at run can gather speed to 45 km/h. How do they manage it?


1. What distinguishes cat's gait? First of all, cats are famous for grace and ability to move silently. Their secret is that they are capable to involve claws and let out them only in case of need: at approach of danger or when it is necessary to get on a tree, etc. On the run they lean only on soft fingertips too

2. Average length of a step of a domestic cat is 30 centimeters. At quiet walking on the firm earth it puts a hinder leg in a lobby print. If the cat trots, then the marks left by front and hinder legs are blocked, forming a long chain of prints. Similar foxes leave. In case the cat had to rush gallop, between traces there are intervals of various length – it is caused by change of speed during run.

3. Outline of a trace of a cat's pad most often roundish and accurate, without prints of claws. But if the cat of long-haired breed, then a trace turns out more indistinct as at fluffy representatives cat's wool grows also on soles.

4. Stealthily, the cat uses so-called skrestny gait. At first it tears off from the earth one forepaw, then – opposite back.

5. Sometimes during run of a cat pass to an amble. An amble call a type of a pace of average speed at which the cat alternately lifts and lowers both left, both right extremities. The amble is characteristic of such breeds as a bobtail. However in the majority a case it is considered defect and the disqualifying defect: it means that the cats running thus cannot be allowed to participation in exhibitions and competitions. It should be noted that except cats, only giraffes and camels are able to move an amble.

6. At last, one more interesting feature affecting gait of cats – nearly 25 percent from them are ambidexters, that is they equally well own the right and left paws.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
