As the viper looks and what to do at her sting

As the viper looks and what to do at her sting

Viper ordinary — one of the most known venomous snakes of our country. It is widespread widely on all forest zone. Meets after hibernation, at the end of April and the beginning of May, in the various places which are well warmed up by the sun: on stubs, the fallen trees, on hummocks, slopes along roads. The warming up period at them from about 1 to 4 weeks, and at this time snakes are sluggish and more often catch sight to people around

Coloring of a viper can be various, but the black form most often meets. Gray, with the zigzag drawing along a back the coloring comes across less often and is more characteristic of young snakes. The viper female in August postpones until 14 eggs, from them young individuals at once appear. Length of newborns — 17 — 19 cm. Length of adult snakes — 80 — 90 cm.

 The ordinary viper hunts  various vertebrata: small rodents, common shrews, lizards, frogs and even on baby birds of the birds nesting on the earth.  The production before swallowing it entirely, it kills with poison. At vipers difficult arranged yado-tooth device. Their poisonous canines large are also located in the closed mouth only in lying situation. Poisonous glands are modified salivary glands. Poison in a wound of the victim flows down on the hollow teeth reminding the syringe. Cases of stings rather rare are also more often connected by a viper of the person with careless behavior of people. Therefore when collecting mushrooms, berries, a haymaking in places where vipers live, it is necessary to be careful and attentive. Snakes the first do not attack and bite only during protection. Snakes have no good hearing, but have tactile feeling and therefore hide before they are noticed.

If you were bitten by a snake, it is necessary:

- to suck away poison from a wound, it must be done within the first 20 minutes;

to process leather around a wound alcohol, iodine or brilliant green;

- to provide rest of the affected extremity;

- to drink more liquid (tea or coffee are better);

- it is admissible to take medications which support warm activity;

- to bring the victim to medical institution whenever possible quicker for survey by the doctor where if necessary will enter antidote.

Pulling of the bitten place, cuts and cauterizations are not recommended, they not only do not help, but also are harmful. Cases from the death are very rare also after a sting, in most cases everything comes to an end safely. d vipers it is used for receiving medicines. In serpentariums — special nurseries for keeping of snakes — specialists pharmacologists "melt" poison and produce serum from stings of especially dangerous venomous snakes — a gyurza, a cobra, an efa. 

Steppe viperThe steppe viper is in many respects similar to an ordinary viper, but it is slightly less than the sizes and besides lives in a forest-steppe zone. Coloring of a telastepny viper lighter, in it prevail gray-brown, brown tone, with a zigzag black strip along a back. Habitats of this snake are slopes and valleys of steppe small rivers, forest splittings among fields. Dragons eat small rodents, lizards, large insects (Locust).  

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
