Among all aquarian fishes, beautiful and unpretentious barbusa are considered as the fastest. These small fishes are not exacting to water, quickly adapt and are capable to get on with the majority of other fishes. At fans of aquariums it is possible to meet the most various types and subspecies of barbus differing from each other in a form, coloring and behavior. It is very important to feed correctly barbus, and then they will constantly please you and to regularly bring posterity.
1. You feed barbus more often than other fishes. The fact is that unlike other small fishes, at barbus excellent appetite and constant feeling of hunger. But do not give them a lot of forage at once, otherwise it can lead to obesity. It is better to give small in the portions forage, but a thicket.
2. Give to barbusa both a dry, and vegetable forage. The crank, a trubochnik, a water flea, a koretra, a Cyclops and other forages of animal origin well will be suitable for feeding. Surely add vitamin D to a dry feed.
3. Arrange to barbusa two fasting days a week. In fasting days you feed barbus one or at most two times for all day and obligatory in the small portion. Such small "hunger strike" will allow to avoid overeating.
4. As a vegetable forage, give to barbusa the scalded leaves of usual salad and a cucumber. If not to give to barbusa vegetation, then your aquarian plants can be eaten completely around.
5. At the maintenance of several types of barbus consider that some types faster and mobile therefore a forage they will quicker eat the sluggish fellows. In that case make two feeding troughs in an aquarium. In the beginning fill a forage in one – you will draw with it attention of the most active fishes. Later fill a forage in the second feeding trough - for more sluggish and quiet barbus. Such way will allow you to feed all fishes at once, without worrying that someone can not get a stern.