For some people the Persian cat is only a tender pet. Others get these beautiful graceful animals for creation of successful exhibition career. To take a prize at an exhibition, the owner has to prepare the pet for this important and responsible action carefully.
1. Start an exhibition career of a Persian cat from 4-5 monthly age of an animal to allow it to get used to similar actions. The playful and sociable cat at exhibitions always has more chances of a victory, than closed and timid.
2. To participate in an exhibition, the owner of a Persian cat needs to take care of obligatory timely vaccination of the favourite. All marks about inoculations have to be in the pet passport of the Siberian.
3. Not earlier than before 3 days prior to the exhibition address to the regional veterinary station for obtaining the special certificate of survey of your pet disproving presence at a Persian cat of any diseases.
4. Take care of acquisition comfortable for you and your pet of carrying. Give preference to plastic model. In a fabric bag to a fluffy Persian cat can be hot.
5. In a week prior to the exhibition carefully wash up the Persian cat special shampoo which will give to her wool brightness and volume. It is necessary to choose suitable means according to the pet's color. For washing of white Persian cats use shampoo with the bleaching effect. Use also teksturayzery, medicine for improvement of texture of wool, and special dry powder for cats.
6. Do not forget to comb carefully a Persian cat a special hairbrush with the metal rotating cloves and to clean it ears by means of Q-tips.
7. Not superfluous one week prior to an exhibition will popoit a Persian cat special soothing medicines, naturally, having consulted before it with the veterinarian. It is necessary to avoid excessive nervousness of the pet during passing of exhibition actions.
8. Surely feed the Persian cat, but not later than 2 hours prior to an exhibition. Many judges like to pick up the animals participating in display, kind of weighing them. The animal has to be heavy and brawny, especially if it is a cat.