Staphylococcus is an infectious disease to which not only people, but also animal, for example, dogs are exposed. Causative agents of this infection are staphylococcus bacteria. At dogs this disease is characterized by dermatitis, otitises and diseases of genitals.
1. At dogs distinguish two forms of this disease. In the first case staphylococcus is a sekundarny infection: courses of the dermatitis which already developed earlier become complicated. In the second case staphylococcus is an independent and generalized disease. If in time not to begin to struggle with a sekundarny infection, it will turn into generalized. The reasons for which dogs have staphylococcus can be different: the weakened immunity, massive infection of animals, etc.
2. The following belongs to the factors provoking this disease at dogs. The animal can have congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies. At a dog can be broken carbohydrate exchange. Besides, it can be connected with violation of hormonal level: level of hormones of a thyroid gland can decrease, and the level of corticosteroid hormones – to increase. Quite often staphylococcus develops because of the general toxicoses (food poisoning, violation of work of a liver and kidneys). Sometimes the organism of a dog is simply incapable to react adequately to staphylococcus toxins, i.e. has low resilience to infections.
3. Treatment of staphylococcus at dogs has to be obligatory complex and to include both local, and general therapy. The most widespread type of this disease at dogs is golden staphylococcus. He (as well as other types of staphylococcus) needs to be treated ASP medication and also staphylococcal anatoxin and a staphylococcal antifagin. Veterinarians advise to use in treatment of this disease at dogs special serums: anti-staphylococcal, hyperimmune and also not to forget about immunoglobulin.
4. It should be noted that great results are shown by application of immunostimulators for dogs. Besides, the veterinarian will surely appoint application of antibiotics. Now in the pharmaceutical market good medicine under the name "Bacteriophage" appeared. The principle of its action consists in the following: as a part of this medicine there is a virus-like live structure which kills staphylococcus at dogs.