We choose a pet: market, pet-shop or private manufacturer

We choose a pet: market, pet-shop or private manufacturer

If you decided to get a pet, you are faced by a difficult task – to address directly the manufacturer, to go to pet-shop or to take an animal in "poultry market".


If you decided on a thoroughbred dog, a cat from a family tree or an exotic animal, it is the best of all to address directly the manufacturer. However there is a number of nuances which should be considered. Without having studied all suitable options in advance, there is an opportunity to fall a victim of swindlers or to buy a sick animal. The private manufacturers having from one to five animals carefully watch "quality" of posterity of the favourites. On the other hand, the less animals live in the same room, the more comfortably they feel, the better them the quality of life also, respectively, is lower risk of chronic diseases. Also nurseries of certain breeds of dog and cats are popular. If your purpose – participation in exhibitions, then nursery is able to help with a family tree and documents.


The pet-shop offers a wide choice of small pets – guinea pigs, hamsters, mice and also birds. So for the feathery friend of best everything to go to pet-shop. Here too it is possible to find thoroughbred dogs and cats, as a rule, puppies are imparted and examined by the veterinarian. Shops at veterinary clinics often cooperate with manufacturers or animals shelters and can advise breed and help to choose the favourite according to your wishes to his character and contents.


In poultry market it is possible to find an animal for every taste, from gray striped kittens to exotic pythons. The problem of the market is that there are no guarantees of health or a family tree of a potential pet. Quite often people bring on the market of kittens or puppies from their own favourites for a pristroystvo in good hands. So if a pet after all as a hobby, but not for the sake of a family tree and breed, in the market it is possible to receive it even free of charge.


One more option of search of a pet – a shelter or the organization for protection of animals. In a shelter there are various animals, from watchdogs to the thoroughbred cats who are thrown out on the street by their careless owners. Such animals especially appreciate leaving and care, they are grateful and do not concede in anything to thoroughbred puppies and kittens. Quite often to take away an animal from a shelter means to save to it life because shelters are quickly overflowed.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
