In the first days of life the puppies are very weak and defenseless. They closed eyes and ear passes, and, so puppies deafs and blind people. At this time little pets entirely depend on mother and the owners.
For newborn puppies the most important in the first days of life to be full, warm, clean. Mom dog and the person participate in providing these conditions for kids. Quite often primipara a bough badly feels after the delivery, then all cares of puppies are undertaken by the owner.
Examine newborns as often as possible (several times a day). Pay attention to nostrils of kids - they should not be killed with the dried-up milk, otherwise breath will be complicated. As required wipe a puppy nose with the cotton pad moistened in warm water. The tail and an anus have to be clean and dry too. If there are stuck allocations, accurately wash away the kid warm water and wipe a soft towel. Children's cream will help when reddening an anus. The eyes of a puppy still closed demand special care not to allow hit of an infection. If you found pus in corners of eyes, address the veterinarian, otherwise there is a danger to the kid to go blind. Pay attention to a laying where lie mom bough with children. Down put a flannelette blanket, but not absolutely exactly, and doing hillocks and lumps. It becomes in order that on the issued thoraxes of puppies were not flattened. On a blanket lay diapers, it is necessary to change them daily. You watch that in a nest it was dry and warm. It is possible to enclose a warm hot-water bottle under diapers and to change in process of cooling. That at a dog of milk was enough for feeding of kids, provide her with good nutrition not less than 4 times a day. During the first hours and days of life puppies have to eat milk or mother's colostrum which contains all necessary for their development and protection of immunity. Enclose weak individuals to the most dairy nipples and you watch that they were not pushed away. If there is not enough milk nevertheless, buy substitute and a feeding up in pet-shop. To empty a bladder and intestines independently kids cannot, with it they are helped by mother - licks them, massing language. Some boughs are too weak after the delivery and cannot look after to the right degree posterity, imitate a damp cotton pad of the movement of language of a dog before emergence of allocations. Your puppies will grow up cheerful strong dogs if from the first hours of life provides them with care and caress!