Constant mucous allocations from eyes of a dog, as well as at the person, are norm: it is protective reaction to hit of dust and small garbage to a mucous eye membrane. Together with these allocations the foreign matters are removed from eyes. But emergence of purulent allocations of yellowish or greenish color can be sign of a serious disease and a reason for the immediate address to the veterinarian.
The reasons of purulent allocations from eyes of a dogIt is possible to carry to the main reasons for purulent allocations: - helminthic invasion;
- diseases of virus character; - strepto- or staphylococcal infection;
- sharp conjunctivitis; - injuries of eyes with accession of an infection. These allocations appear at diseases of a cornea and a century and also are one of symptoms of such dangerous disease as a distemper. Injuries of eyes which provoke emergence of purulent allocations are also very artful as the infection can be shown not at once but only in several weeks. If it in due time not to find and not to begin treatment, the animal can lose sight or even to lose an eye.
Be not engaged in treatment of an animal independently. As far as a disease serious and as to treat it, only the expert can define.
As soon as you noticed that eyes began to suppurate and similar allocations, especially appeared if at the same time they are followed by plentiful dacryagogue and uneasy behavior of a dog, it is necessary to address the veterinarian immediately. Diagnostics is made on the basis of analyses and survey, respectively, and treatment has to be appointed individually. The exact diagnosis and, respectively, the correct treatment, it is possible to put only after the bacterial analysis and crops purulent separated on nutrient mediums is carried out.
First aid to a dog at emergence of purulent allocationsBefore the veterinarian appoints to your favourite a complex of treatment and will register anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial medicines, you can facilitate a condition of an animal, having given it first aid. Make broth of a camomile, St. John's wort or calendula. It is possible to use the black tea or solution of Furacilin which also a little stood, "sung", having parted one tablet in a glass of warm boiled water.
In your veterinary house first-aid kit there have to be also antibacterial ointments on the basis of antibiotics: eritromitsinovy, oletetrinovy.
For washing use cotton cosmetic pads, for each eye new. Plentifully moisten it in infusion and carefully carry out by a disk on a lower eyelid of a dog from an external corner of an eye to internal. After washing blot an eye with a soft napkin and under a lower eyelid put 1% tetracycline ointment. Then slightly massage the closed eyelid a finger evenly to distribute ointment under it. Sit a little with a dog, without allowing it to pound eyes paws, calm her and stroke that she was not nervous after such stressful procedure.