How to calm a dog

How to calm a dog

Owners of dogs faced a difference in behavior of dogs and a bough. Generally it affects in manifestation of interest in dogs of an opposite sex. Dogs very violently react on presence nearby techny a bough and it, first of all, is shown in disobedience and aggressive behavior. There are several ways to prevent such behavior.

Why at a dog there occurs false pregnancy

Why at a dog there occurs false pregnancy

False pregnancy at a dog – a special physiological state at which not tied or not impregnated female has all signs of the real pregnancy. This phenomenon meets at various animals, but most brightly it is expressed at dogs.

How to protect a dog from mosquitoes

How to protect a dog from mosquitoes

Dogs suffer from importunate mosquitoes and midges slightly not less, than people. For protection of animals against blood-sicking insects it is better to use specialized means, but if necessary it is possible to buy also that are on sale in usual pharmacies.

Childbirth at dogs of small breeds: how to help a dog

Childbirth at dogs of small breeds: how to help a dog

The help at childbirth is necessary to all dogs, especially - to dogs of small breeds. That everything passed smoothly, it is necessary to be prepared for this pleasant event. First of all, it is not necessary to be nervous. It is better to buy in pharmacy of calming in advance. Especially if it is first labor of your dog and you had not to participate in it earlier.

As the behavior at pregnant dogs changes

As the behavior at pregnant dogs changes

Pregnancy at dogs from the conception moment before childbirth lasts on average 63 days. The error in 2-3 days is connected with quantity of the born puppies – if their more than 3, a bough will give rise earlier and if 1-2 puppies, can pass week. The first symptom of pregnancy, still before it becomes noticeable, change in behavior of a dog is.