How to make friends a cat and a kitten

How to make friends a cat and a kitten

Sooner or later two cats find a common language and get on with each other. However to wait for that happy day of reconciliation when there passes the jealousy and mistrust, optional. Try to regain control over situation. If the first acquaintance of an adult cat and kitten takes place smoothly, you should not worry constantly for the newly arrived little pet.

How to train cats

How to train cats

Cats hardly give in to training. It does not mean that it is impossible to train them at all. Stock up with patience, and you teach the pet to various tricks. Only do not forget that cats are capricious therefore coercion will not lead to anything.

What negative consequences of castration of a cat can be

What negative consequences of castration of a cat can be

Animals, though those whom the person cultivated very long time ago all the same remain animals and live in apartments, submitting to the same instincts, as their fellows in the wild nature. When you bring to the house of little darling and a fluffy cat, be ready that in about 7-8 months it can turn into the aggressive eternally shouting monster leaving on all apartment badly the smelling tags. Here then it is worth thinking of castration.

As mouths of hens

As mouths of hens

One of important conditions of successful keeping of hens on a personal plot is providing to a bird of necessary walking. Walks in the fresh air favorably influence a yaytsenoskost and in many respects promote a good increase in weight at hens. Walking of poultry during the summer, winter, autumn and spring period has the features.

As cats after castration behave

As cats after castration behave

Quite often domestic cats are castrated as soon as they are above teenage age. Their owners for certain remember that the behavior yet not until the end of the animal who departed from an anesthesia can be inadequate. It is only not terrible, important to watch it a cat that he was not injured and did not damage a seam.