Each girl dreams of magnificent hair. Heard many about advantage of colourless henna is unique product which promotes growth of hair, does them dense and strong. It is fine option for those who do not wish paints hair, but wants to strengthen them. There is mass of recipes on the basis of colourless henna which can be varied at discretion. The standard recipe does not require many efforts and time, it is necessary to get necessary ingredients only.
It is required to you
- Packing of colourless henna (not to confuse with white!), a little hot water, oil solution of vitamins, egg, kefir, or other ingredients on your discretion.
- The easiest way is to dissolve henna with hot water to consistence of dense sour cream and to apply mask on moist hair from roots to tips. To put on hat for shower, and to cover from above with towel.
- For dry hair it is possible to use the following recipe: dissolve henna with slightly warmed up kefir, add tablespoon of honey and apply on hair.
- For oily hair it is necessary to add yolk of two eggs to mask. If you have mixed type of hair, on tips hair dry, and at roots fat, then the mask from henna can be applied only on roots, and on tips - the warmed-up olive, burdock or castor oil.
- Of course, what mask without addition of oils. Add necessary amount of the oil which is warmed up on water bath, or solutions of vitamins B mask, and your hair will become soft and obedient.
- It is necessary to wash away mask warm water if you added oil - with small amount of shampoo. Henna perfectly eliminates fragility and does hair heavy.