How to find the good cosmetologist

How to find the good cosmetologist

The woman trusts the cosmetologist the most important part of appearance – the person. Therefore to find the good cosmetologist, the doctor it is represented very important. He will be responsible how you will look tomorrow and in ten years. It is not so simple to find the professional who will suit you therefore attentively study the doctor.


  1. Ask the acquaintances and friends what services of the doctor they use and are how happy with its services.
  2. During the first meeting surely take an interest what education the doctor, what its experience in the field of cosmetology has. It is the best of all if it is the doctor with the higher education who has ended special courses.
  3. During the first visit choose the safe procedure, for example, light massage of the person. Already on the first touches of hands of the doctor you will understand whether its methods suit you.
  4. Do not hesitate to ask questions to the cosmetologist questions of need of that or procedures. Nonprofessional cosmetologists can sometimes impose courses of procedures in which there is no need.
  5. Be interested why the doctor uses this easily soiled cosmetics. The high quality expert will be able always to give distinct answers to such questions.
  6. Prick up the ears if the cosmetologist does not propose to you alternative methods the solution of your problems and categorically insists on some certain. It can say about its low qualification and also that with other methods it is simply unfamiliar.
  7. Specify when the doctor was at advanced training courses last time. Today the cosmetology science walks huge rates therefore to be aware of novelties, the doctor has to study constantly.
  8. If the expert before holding traumatic procedures does not specify whether you have some chronic diseases, think. Even usual temperature rise from holding the simplest procedure can sometimes provoke negative consequences.
  9. If having noticed any changes on your skin, for example, rash or the increased birthmarks, the cosmetologist recommends to see doctor, apprehend it as the good sign. It means that the expert who is interested in your problems works with you.
  10. Cancel visits to the cosmetologist who even unostentatiously is interested in your financial position.
  11. If though you have at least the slightest doubts in competence of the cosmetologist, refuse its services. You should not try to seem polite, it is about your health.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
