Raspberry, as well as the majority of other berry cultures, demands thorough training by winter. But besides all actions for care for it, in October-November it is possible to prepare planting stock for reproduction of raspberry.
That correctly to make everything and to receive the good final result, observance of certain conditions is necessary. Initially examine attentively plantings of raspberry. If on plants there are no traces of wreckers or diseases, then it is possible to start preparation of planting stock on own site.
It is possible to make multiple copies raspberry either offsprings, or root shanks. Preparation of offsprings is carried usually out in the spring. But happens that they are not enough. Then prepare root shanks in the fall. They are taken from the fructifying bush when the plant already is at rest. Carefully dig out roots not closer than 40 cm to the plant. It is only desirable to do it on the one hand, in order to avoid weakening of all sapling. Select roots about 5 mm thick. Root shanks cut not less than 8 cm long.
Then pass to preparation of container in which they will winter. Best of all normal wooden boxes will approach. In them between plates there should not be gaps. If they are available, then on bottom lay the material which is doing not pass moisture. Further in boxes fill peat with sand. Root shanks connect by bunches and stack in boxes. From above on them fill damp sawdust or peat.
It is better to store boxes with root shanks in the cool room, for example cellar, or in the hole which is dug out in garden at small depth. On such place there have to be big snowdrifts in the winter.
With approach of warm days in the spring, root shanks land to the open ground for further growth. Next fall bushes will already enough grow up, and then dig out them and replace to constant places in in advance prepared holes. After landing saplings of raspberry it is surely abundant water and powdered with peat or humus.
Reproduction of raspberry root shanks the most labor-consuming option can also take much more time. But some grades of this berry culture badly expand and therefore it is necessary to resort to this way.