How to get rid of acne rash on spin

How to get rid of acne rash on spin

At the first appearance of acne rash on spin address at once the dermatologist. In due time begun treatment will save you from this delicate problem pretty fast. And then you will not need to think in the flying and in the spring of how to hide your back from people around.

  • - results of analyses;
  • - medicines;
  • - herbs;
  • - procedures (Ural federal district, electrophoresis, hydrosulphuric bathtubs);
  • - consultations of doctors;
  • - massage.

1. Visit the gastroenterologist and the endocrinologist, make all necessary blood tests. After you receive the decision of experts and results of analyses, address the dermatologist. Depending on results of inspection and the conclusions drawn by doctors to you individual treatment will be appointed. As necessary complete course of injections and spend on drink course of antibiotics. Constantly do masks, you apply the soft ointments containing sulfur on area of appearance of rash drink vitamins of group B and Retinolum, also to you hormonal medicines can be appointed. Do not ignore appointment, take medicines correctly and in time as to you it has been prescribed. Visit electrophoresis, pass Ural federal district and take hydrosulphuric baths. Surely you go to massage: made with application of olive oil it perfectly helps to get rid of acne rash on spin.

2. A lot of things depend also on your food. Adhere to the correct diet, exclude the following products from diet: animal fats, fat, fat and smoked sausages, sweets, alcoholic beverages, cocoa and chocolate. Make the menu from: fast boiled meat, vegetables and fruit, dairy products and low-fat grades of fish.

3. Use folk remedies (if they are approved by your doctor). Perfectly steaming and clarification of skin in bath (sauna) helps to get rid of acne rash on spin. If you live in the city and cannot visit bath, accept houses of bathtub the containing infusions and broths from leaves of aspen, oak, poplar and needles. Prepare St. John's wort infusion: within hour draw 1-2 tablespoons of grass which are filled in with glass of boiled water. Accept it in the form of irrigation or lotions. Do not forget also about such herbs as calendula, celandine and camomiles, they are quite often applied to treatment of eels too. Draw inflorescences of calendula on alcohol, then prepare from them 10% infusion and rub it to problem sites of skin.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
