How to increase growth of beard

How to increase growth of beard

The beard suits many men. In some traditions (it is frequent in religious) the beard is obligatory attribute of the man. It is beautiful when the beard not only is accurately cut, but also when it differs in the density and certain length. Folk remedies in which arsenal always only natural natural products, without chemistry will help to achieve such effect.


  1. Take honey tablespoon, rub large bulb on small grater and make from this mix. Rub this means in hairthe roots beards. In half an hour wash away this structure warm water without use of soap or shampoo. You carry out the procedure each 3 days.
  2. Dig fresh nettle. If there is no fresh, buy dried in drugstore. Make tablespoon of the crushed leaves of nettle in 250 ml of water. Let's infusion cool down and filter it. Rub this infusion in beard every day before going to bed. It is not required to wash away it.
  3. Buy seeds of parsley and pound them so that at you powder has turned out. Powder beard this means every day.
  4. Squeeze out juice of two large bulbs via the juice extractor. Dig out burdock together with root. Separate root and wash out it properly. Crush small root knife. Make of it broth, having added half-glass of the crushed root on 500 ml of water. You boil no more than 5 minutes and leave to infuse. Filter broth when it cools down. Buy cognac. Mix onions juice, broth of burdock and 30 ml of cognac. Rub this structure in beard every day. In hour wash away water.
  5. Dig flowers of calendula or get dried calendula in drugstore. In the same place, in drugstore, buy cones of hop and crush them. Dig out roots of burdock and small crush. Take on tablespoon of each of ingredients and add to them water liter. You boil 15 minutes. Merge broth, filter and cool. Rinse with this means beard every day. It is not required to wash away water.
  6. Buy 2 dozen quail eggs and 0.5 liters of beer. On bottle of beer 20 egg whites will be required. Mix the mixer beer with proteins. Apply this means on beard, properly rubbing it in roots of hair. In hour wash away this structure warm water. There will be enough received means on several times. You store it in the fridge.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
