How to make dreadlocks of kanekalon

How to make dreadlocks of kanekalon

Dreadlocks - not just fashion element, this special attitude. Once god Dzha will go down on the earth and will extend all """ "for dreadlocks in bright future. But how to become the happy owner of dreads and not to spoil at the same time hair? For this purpose today there are also safe dreadlocks which are quite simple for making in house conditions.

It is required to you

  • kanekalon - 2-3 packs, depending on the desirable length, thickness and quantity of dreads
  • hairbrush with small cloves
  • scissors
  • the rectifier for hair
  • damp rag
  • thin elastic bands


  1. We separate small lock of kanekalon, we bend in half and we tie up the place of bend elastic band. We fix lock for improvised objects (chair, table, bed...) so that it did not move.
  2. We begin to comb hairbrush one of lock halves. For this purpose we drive hairbrush along curl up-down that gradually our lock turned into uniform plica poconica. That dreadlocks have turned out better and equal, this step should pay special attention.
  3. When our plica poconica was enough mixed up, it is possible to begin it to twist. It is better for Dredin to hold closer to bottom, twisting accurately so that it turned out uniform on thickness.
  4. Further it is necessary to wind our dredina with damp rag. Then we take the heated rectifier and we begin to process accurately curl, stopping on each site 2-3 seconds. When the dredina has become straight and fixed, we repeat all procedure from the 2nd step.
  5. After the dredina is ready completely (2 halves), it is possible to straighten with scissors the sticking-out filaments.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
