Peeling of face - the peeling procedure in the course of which dead skin cells are removed at the expense of what there is updating of epithelial layer. The complexion also improves, skin begins to breathe and shine healthy gloss. It is possible to carry out such procedure in house conditions and in cosmetology salons. Of course, those means which are applied in salons not to compare to house, but also from helpers effect are too.
1. Use srub for deep purification of leather. Choose with fruit acids and abrasive particles. Pay attention, the abrasive has to be about one form and without sharp chips. The low-quality srub can damage integrity of integuments and cause irritation. You apply means to moist skin the massing circular motions, then wash away warm water. Do not forget also about nutritious cream after the procedure.
2. As peeling you can use table salt. Take only the most fine crushing and in the similar way clean face. You can add salt to liquid soap or the cleaning gel for washing. Do not abuse in such a way cleanings, skin can become dry and strapped.
3. Soda will suit owners of dry type of skin and also the people suffering from allergic reactions and peeling. Use soda two times a week, you put on wet face, mass and wash away. By the way, salt and soda it is possible to mix and clean face.
4. If you have stones from fruit or shell of nuts, crush it in the coffee grinder. Mix with face cream, gel or other cosmetic substance and clean face. This option reminds more usual srub which flaunts on shelves of shops much unless it is much more favorable. You watch that the abrasive has turned out small.