How to make soft curls

How to make soft curls

Laying plays significant role in appearance of any girl. But at modern way of life and big employment of many people so seldom it is possible to give it enough time. For this reason all become popular various universal hairstyles for every day, laying "in 5 minutes" and other innovations of hairdresser's art. So, soft curls became one of such lungs and favourite hairstyles. Curls on the head look naturally, is very womanly and it is romantic.

  • Thermohair curlers, the hair dryer for laying, means for creation of curls, hairspray
  1. Dry up hair, raising them at roots round brush to create small radical volume. Try not to overdry them as hair at thermowave have to be dried up not up to the end.
  2. Cause on all length small amount of means for creation of curls now. Then, having prepared hair curlers, since nape in advance, take on one small lock of hair and wind on hair curlers. You can twist all hair on hair curlers, and you can only upper locks, and lower to leave by straight lines. Optimum carrying thermohair curlers makes 15-20 minutes. During this time they manage to cool down and, the main thing, not to burn through your tips.
  3. After have removed thermohair curlers, fix hairstyle by varnish, besides at once on all length that laying in hour has not broken up. Hairspray will prolong life of your curls. The hairstyle is ready. Its creation has occupied you time minimum, but result tremendous. Your hair with such laying will look very attractively.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
