Peaches and apricots are not only most tasty delicacy, but also beauty source for skin and hair. These gifts of the nature are suitable for any type of skin. Masks can be done with addition practically of any ingredients: for dry skin – with olive oil, for withering – with cream, for oily skin and skin of the mixed type it is recommended to add egg white to peach. To be convinced of lack of allergic reactions, it is necessary to put pulp of peach or apricot to skin of wrist and to wipe it. If there have passed 5 minutes, and the irritation has not appeared – it is possible to use safely these fruit in the cosmetic purposes.
It is required to you
- 1) Peach, 10 g of sugar, 15 ml of olive oil.
- 2) Peach, 2 apricots, 10 g of honey, 15 g of cottage cheese.
- 3) 50 ml of peach juice and 50 ml of mineral water.
- 4) Peach, 10 ml of cream, yolk.
1. Nutritious peeling for beautiful ruchekv peach the components which are softening dry skin, but not irritating it contain. Half of peach needs to be cleaned from thin skin, to knead, mix from 10 g of sugar and 15 ml of olive oil. The turned-out mix it is necessary to pound hands about 3-5 minutes, after that mix needs to be washed away warm water and to apply the nutritious or softening cream on hands.
2. The mask against the peaches and apricots splitting volosmyakot does hair silkier and soft. Also hair become more obedient, it is easy to stack them. If to use peaches and apricots regularly, it is possible to forget about split ends of hair. For mask pulp of one peach and two large apricots is necessary. Fruit puree needs to be mixed from 10 g of honey and 15 g of cottage cheese. The ready mask needs to be applied to head skin, at the same time massing it and also on tips of hair. In 30 minutes the mask can be washed away: camomile broth will be suitable for the best effect.
3. Natural cleaning tonikkarotin, contained in peaches, gives to skin flush – the healthy and natural, and being part fruit acids update cages. In order that skin always was beautiful and healthy, every evening it is necessary to use original and natural tonic. In order that to make it, it is necessary to mix 50 ml of peach juice (freshly squeezed) and 50 ml of mineral water. The face needs to be wiped with tonic, and then to wash warm water.
4. Vitamin mask from persikovpersika are source of many vitamins, carotene, nucleic acids. Thanks to it they perfectly are suitable for preparation of masks. The soft peach needs to be kneaded, mixed from 10 ml of cream and yolk. The ready mask needs to be put for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week.