That eyelashes became dense and long, it is necessary to look after them correctly.
1. Never forget to remove for the night make-up from eyes. At night not only you have to have a rest, but also eyelashes. Ink needs to be removed from eyelashes the special means softening and feeding cilia. Also important eye and gentle eyelid skin makes thrifty use of mucous.
2. Remove ink from eyelashes gradually. The cotton tampon moistened in means for removal of make-up from eyes is put at first to upper eyelid for 30 seconds. Then, when ink will be softened, she acts the second cotton tampon easily, without excess friction and efforts.
3. For improvement of growth of eyelashes it is useful to apply on them burdock oil regularly. It is for this purpose more convenient to use clean brush from ink. The empty tube from under ink is carefully washed out, in it burdock oil is filled in. Every evening after removal of make-up grease eyelashes with small amount of oil, it will prevent their loss and will accelerate growth. If your eyelashes break, then they will be helped by vegetable oil.
4. Now in shops the colourless hulks containing vitamins and glycerin are on sale. This means can be put for strengthening of eyelashes for the night, and it is possible - in the morning under usual ink, in that case all day your eyelashes will be protected and moistened.
5. When choosing decorative cosmetics for eyes attentively study structure. At touch for eyelashes there have to be vitamins, keratin and lanolin. Do not forget each three months to change ink.
6. You are not lazy to do from time to time masks for cilia. For example, in the form of tampons of various herbs moistened in broth, black tea or milk. It is possible to put slices of fruit or vegetables on eyelids.