Secrets of evening care for body, face and hair

Secrets of evening care for body, face and hair

With approach of twilight the principle of work of human body changes: cell fission, removal of slags and digestion of useful substances becomes active, there is melatonin synthesis. It is considered effective antioxidant and regenerator of skin cells. Vitamin A – the main ingredient of the night looking after means which does not work when lighting and loves darkness is responsible for its synthesis in organism.

For this reason the principles of care for skin differ in the evening from day cosmetic procedures which specialize only in protection against external influences. Process of nightly leaving is important, peculiar and irreplaceable. It can be carried out to several "approaches"

Preparation stage

The basic requirement of "skin" procedures – clarification. Without it use of cream is inefficient. Fat and sweat from skin need to be deleted even if the whole day is spent indoors. It is desirable to process dry leather milk, and combined and fat – means with lighter consistence (skins or gels). The last are not recommended to be washed away cold or hot water – it turns the procedure of clarification into contrast washings. They are useful, but have tonic effect and are more appropriate since morning. If rinsings not to liking, it is recommended to use means for makeup removal.

Face care

Experts insist that the optimum period of application of the looking after means – half an hour to release. If to use cream earlier and not to go to bed, the result can be weak as work of its components is designed for slackness of skin and darkness.

Cosmetics for face care needs to be selected according to age requirements. The youth is recommended to use means with the moistening effect. Mature skin requires the regenerating care – it stimulates process of updating also can consist of the duet of serum and cream that brings double benefit. All night medicines have to be enriched with vitamins A, With, E and hyaluronic acid: it is worth paying attention to it upon their purchase, giving preference to well-known brands.

The pose during night rest is also important for effectiveness of leaving. For face skin the dream on spin or on one side is considered ideal. Position of body with the person who has buried in pillow slows down heat exchange and provokes emergence of puffiness and early wrinkles.

Procedures for body

Our body also needs moistening and modeling. Medicines of the anti-cellulite, tightening and regenerating orientation help to solve this problem. And it is desirable to apply both day, and night means to fight against orange-peel – the principles of their impact on skin differ. Day – slows down fat accumulation process, and night – stimulates its processing.

Hands, foot, neck and zone of decollete surely are subject to nightly moistening at any age.

Care of hair

After day stresses the hair can look not in the best way: night masks, sprays, and serums promote restoration of their healthy look. If there are forces to take bath, it is worth using hair oil. Before drawing it needs to be warmed up in hot water and to distribute evenly on locks. After that the head is wrapped in towel and the compress keeps in this look quarter of hour, and on the dry and injured hair – till the morning. This procedure restores and strengthens each hair if to apply it few times in week.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
