Feysbuilding – the fashionable trend directed to strengthening and pulling up of facial muscles capable to return skin youth, to smooth mimic wrinkles and to tighten face form. The doctor of plastic surgery Reynkhold Benz, and the guru of education American cosmetologist Carol Madzhio is considered the founding father of the direction.
Feysbuilding history
The technique of training of facial muscles has for the first time appeared in the thirties the last century. The German doctor of plastic surgery Reynkhold Benz became the founder of the direction. During the medical practice he has paid attention to the people who are engaged in physical trainings. Their bodies looked is more considerable podtyanuty more young. Proceeding from the observations, he has come to conclusion that facial muscles it is also possible to train, as well as any other and that regular trainings will help to improve face form, to reduce wrinkles and to return youth. R. Benz called the creation feysbuilding from the English words "face" - the person and "building" - to build.
He presented set of exercises to the girlfriend famous to the ballerina Eva Hoffman who tried to keep youth by all available means. In two months of occupations the result has exceeded all expectations – the face of the ballerina to look it became fresher, hypostases have left, the face form was tightened.
Every year the technique had more and more followers. Carol Maddzhio – the American cosmetologist became the most known.
It has added set of exercises of doctor Benz and has brought to feysbuilding new vision. Visualization of that energy which is received by face muscles during the trainings became the main thing in its technique. The musculobrain communication organized thus doubles effect of exercises and brings more noticeable and fast result.
General recommendations of feysbuilding
1. The main thing is regularity. It is optimum to do gymnastics for the person twice a day 15 minutes.
2. Correctness of performance of exercises. For this purpose it is necessary to follow accurately the recommendations of trainers and to study for itself step-by-step instructions. All exercises should be carried out in front of the mirror with good lighting.
3. Besides gymnastics it is worth to remember about comprehensive care behind face skin. Peelings, masks, massage, daily leaving, drawing sun-protection means – all this has to become with feysbuilding whole.
4. It is necessary to begin occupations with basic course and only then to pass to more difficult exercises.
Technology of performance
1. Starting position – direct back and intense press.
2. Concentration on each exercise. It is necessary to feel the studied muscle and to feel heat in this place.
3. To represent energy streams which fill the studied muscle during exercises.
4. After performance of each exercise full relaxation.
Contraindications to feysbuilding
1. Planimetric plastics beauty pricks. It is necessary to start exercises not earlier, than in 2-3 weeks after introduction of medicines.
2. The operations on face performed within half a year.
3. Diseases or injuries of facial nerve.
4. Inflammatory diseases of skin.
Efficiency of feysbuilding
You should not wait for instant results. Occupations are based by feysbuilding on regularity and daily work. Anybody from one visit of the gym does not have beautiful and tightened figure. At daily performance of exercises, results will be noticeable not earlier than in two months. That it is necessary to trace them every month to take the picture of the person in profile and fullface.