The bulked-up eyelids, bags under eyes and the edematous friable face does not cause positive emotions. The unpleasant phenomenon can be constant or temporary. If it happened to you, do not despair, find out the reason and act.
According to doctors puffiness of the person happens because of failure of work of lymphatic system of organism and venous stagnation. Sometimes, that all person, or only eye area swells.
Why there is puffiness
The main outflow of blood from skull goes through internal jugular vein. Its crossclamping does not allow blood to circulate freely and conducts to zastoyam.
Why appear stagnation? When we grit teeth in anger or stress, tension grows in chewing and temporal muscles. Veins on which blood flows are pressed, intracranial pressure increases, and all loading goes on zone of eyes where there is big congestion of veins. Hypostasis of eyes results
Soft facial tissues swell because of violation of limfoottok. What is lymph? It is intercellular transparent liquid which circulates on organism. Its main task to clean organism from toxins and infections and to supply blood system with useful substances.
Tension of muscles of front and side surface of neck causes violation of work of limfosistema and leads to stagnation of liquid. As a result the person completely swells.
What influences emergence of puffiness
Most often we observe puffiness in the mornings. The wrong position of the head can affect during sleep it, but not only. The reasons for which there are hypostases:
- excessive refatigue;
- work at night;
- alcohol before going to bed;
- I will merge abuse;
- allergy to cosmetics;
- shortage of vitamins of group B;
It is simpler to cope with the temporary reasons, than with constants, such as: diseases of kidneys, liver or problem with thyroid gland. Serious treatment will help with these cases.
How to struggle with puffiness
- to address osteostalemate for removal of muscular clips;
- to do facial massage for dispersal of lymph;
- to play sports (without fanaticism, the main thing to move more);
- to drink water during the day small drinks;
- there are more fresh greens;
- to include in diet food which regulate water-salt exchange (berries - bilberry, blueberry, raspberry, wild strawberry, strawberry) watermelon, pumpkin, cabbage, cucumbers;
- is not and not to drink for the night;
- to drink broths from root of licorice or red clover.
How to remove puffiness
There are many recipes for removal of puffiness of the house. Here a little for record:
- Contrast baths with hot and cold water (moisten towel in hot water, apply for 2 minutes to hypostasis, then in cold water and again for 2 minutes) or put ice pieces the easy massing movements.
- You keep in the freezer ice cubes from infusion of calendula or camomile and wipe the swelled sites in the mornings.
- Mask from fresh cabbage: chop in gruel, add spoon of honey and you hold on face of 10 minutes, then wash away.
- Crush crude potatoes and put in gauze, put to hypostases for 2 minutes