As the allergy to breast milk is shown

As the allergy to breast milk is shown

Breast milk – the main and natural food of babies. However today the situation when young mother notes that the child more often and has red becoming wet specks and other irritation on skin more and more quite often meets. And more often in response to the concern they hear from the doctor that the child has an allergy to maternal milk.

Laktazny insufficiency – rather widespread problem today. It is possible to suspect intolerance of breast milk at the kid on a number of signs. If in addition to rashes on skin the child becomes uneasy, badly puts on weight, practically does not sleep and also suffers from ponos, from locks, there is an assumption that it developed intolerance of habitual food.

Why there is an allergy to maternal milk

Breast milk is a most valuable and useful product for only the been born kid, only all most necessary components are its part. It is proved that breast milk of each woman has unique structure since at the gene level adapts under needs of her baby. And macrocells, vitamins, enzymes and many other things is micro all this helps to adjust a stomach of the kid on the necessary rhythm and rate of work. Besides, maternal milk is the best means for formation and strengthening of immunity of the newborn.

Maternal milk can change the structure, correcting the content of substances which the kid most of all needs. Therefore structure of such unique product always different.

Physicians consider that today the allergy to maternal milk is shown more often because of progress development. Today on shelves it is possible to find a huge number of products with chemical components which negatively affect human health in shops. The allergy at the child develops not on milk, and on its some components. As a rule, it can be various preservatives which with food get at first mothers, and then are transmitted to the kid through milk.

To be saved from similar components quite difficult since they are even in rather products safe by sight today – cottage cheeses, yogurt, etc.

At first the child has an irritation on skin. And then, if not to begin in time treatment, the situation is aggravated and is at the critical end of the resources. And if at manifestation of the first signs it is possible to keep breastfeeding against the background of treatment still, then after it will be more difficult to make it. For this reason it is very important to begin to treat laktazny insufficiency as soon as possible.

What to do to keep breastfeeding and to get rid of an allergy

First of all mother needs to go on a diet. It is necessary to exclude all harmful products as much as possible. Besides, it is desirable to read attentively all packings on products to take only in what there are no dyes, emulsifiers and other additives. Often recommend to the woman to exclude all dairy products since laktazny insufficiency is very strongly aggravated by protein of cow's milk from the diet. It is necessary to create the food diary thanks to which it is possible to trace on what the child had an allergy and in what form it was. Sometimes physicians recommend to transfer the child to the mixed feeding, i.e. keeping chest, to add special hypoallergenic mixes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
