How morally to be prepared for childbirth

How morally to be prepared for childbirth

The child's birth – process surprising and long-awaited. It seemed, only yesterday you held positive test in hand and did not know how to tell the husband about pregnancy … Very soon in your family the little charming man will appear. The little man who will become the most important that you have in life.

For these 9 months you represented hundreds of times how there takes place childbirth and as yours will pass … On the shelf there was not one dozen books how to become good mom as it is correct to behave during childbirth and many still what. You know, probably, now I will upset you. And can on the contrary – I will please. During childbirth you do not remember lines from these books! The most important is to remember only one thing.

Think of the child!

Each childbirth – unique process. If, for example, your neighbor in giving suffered in fights of 8 hours – not the fact as to you privalit such "happiness". Can quite be that your kid very much will want to see mummy and everything will occur much quicker, than in terrible stories by the neighbor. Therefore do not think of anything. Also do not wind yourself in advance. Each organism is individual, and even doctors will not be able to predict in advance how many childbirth will last. Be adjusted on a positive.

During the fights try not to shout and not to spend forces. They still will be useful to you. The most difficult ahead. And you have to be able to give birth to the child independently. It is better, than Cesarean section, isn't it?

The child's birth – it is healthy! Let at this moment you will have only one thought – "I will see the kid soon".

Forget about yourself in day of childbirth. Get rid of all "cockroaches". The less you will spend forces and nerves for foreign thoughts, the your small treasure will be born quicker. Think only of it. His life depends on you now. And you are able to make it pleasant from first minute.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
