How to carry out diagnostics with preschool children

How to carry out diagnostics with preschool children

Before beginning to teach something the child, the teacher has to learn that his ward is able, how well he developed various mental processes, quickly or slowly he acquires new material. For this purpose also diagnostics serves. Without it it is very difficult to construct educational process correctly. As a rule, the general diagnostics is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. Besides, to the tutor happens it is necessary to define in what degree at children separate qualities – attention, creative thinking, cultural and hygienic skills, - also different types of activity are developed. In this case diagnostics is carried out before beginning work on any given program.

It is required to you

  • The program of education in kindergarten
  • Games and toys for performance of test tasks


1. Define what type of diagnostics is necessary to you. Anyway test tasks will be necessary for you. It is possible to take them from S. Zabramina's set. These are matryoshkas, pyramids from 4 rings, Segen's boards, boxes inserts, cutting pictures. When choosing a test task consider age of children. For example, three-year-old kids can offer pyramids, to children is more senior – other toys from an alarm. Children of the advanced preschool age can suggest to group objects of essential signs, to find a subject which does not approach group of others, to pick up a missing subject and so on.

2. Explain a task. As a rule, children with the normal level of mental development well understand the verbal instruction to the task corresponding to their age. Three-year-old children already know a ratio "more – less" and can compare several objects in size. Children with a delay of mental development hardly remember the verbal instruction, for them display is more effective. In the course of performance of a task analyze, how well the child remembered the instruction and whether it is capable to follow it up to the end.

3. For a test task it is possible to use also different types of designing. For example, for kids it will be designing from four details. At first ready construction is offered to the child. The teacher asks to make the same. Children have to pick up details and put them in the necessary order. If it is impossible, the teacher shows what on what it is necessary to put, then suggests children to execute construction once again. By results of work of the child you can determine the level of the visual analysis, spatial imagination, skills of designing.

4. By results of a test task note how each child treated actually a research, how kindly he understood and remembered the instruction, was or not it has interest in a task and how long it remained. Note also how purposeful were actions of the child whether he calculated the efforts, whether is able to plan performance of a task in advance or works empirically whether he uses assistance and as far as. Very important also whether the child makes strong-willed efforts in order that it is correct to perform tasks.

5. Carry out diagnostics on separate types of activity. For determination of level of game activity of children offer children several game situations. For example, for determination of level of game activity of children of younger preschool age offer children of a toy who assume joint activity. Observe as far as children are able to cast whether they can play without the conflicts. For determination of the level of development of graphic activity offer several test tasks – for example, to finish drawing circles or squares, to add the subject drawing.

6. For diagnostics of cultural and hygienic skills rather just observations. As far as do skills of children correspond to age? The child of younger group has to be able to eat with a spoon, to wipe a mouth a napkin, to wash hands with soap and a brush, it is correct to put on socks and trousers. The child of preparatory group is able to use a fork and a knife, independently puts on and so on. These diagnostics show to the teacher on what skills of the child it is necessary to work.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
