How to disaccustom to gnaw nails

How to disaccustom to gnaw nails

Parents are interested in a question – how to disaccustom the child to gnaw nails? It would seem that everything is simple, and here to make it not everyone it turns out. So to do?

It is much easier to disaccustom the child to this addiction when it only begins to appear. The most important in this case is not to hurry not to be overzealous. You should not punish directly at once the kid and to shout at him, the habit to gnaw nails appears just from behind our attitude towards the child.

It is not necessary to press on the child when you noticed that he gnaws nails as this habit is unconscious and, so does not give in to control. You do not stand yourself in the corner and do not punish if you knock on a table a finger or infinitely do up hair. Remember that the method of a carrot and stick will not work here.

If you abuse the child, you only aggravate situation. Teach the child to remove stress, it is a source of bad habits. Do with it exercises, caress it and play with it, find for it as much as possible time that he could forget about tension. Develop independence at the child.

As soon as the child tries to begin to gnaw nails, distract him, but do not do from this the tragedy, otherwise you will provoke only a stress which will lead to what the child will gnaw even more often. Sometimes the child gnaws nails in protest or as revenge to parents if his desires are not met.

If you begin to say to the child that nails are gnawed by small children, you will be able to achieve psychological effect, any child seeks to become an adult.

For more adult girls perfectly proved children's manicure, and in the general cases accustom the child to cut nails and to look after them, without forgetting to remind him that nails have to look remarkably.

Now the specialized colourless strengthening varnish enjoys wide popularity. It contains vitamins for nails and has very opposite taste. If to use it, at children the hunting to gnaw nails at once vanishes, but when using such varnish it is necessary to observe regularity: each three days to remove an old varnish coat and to impose a new layer.

Remember that the more around children of positive emotions, the probability that children will gnaw nails is less. These councils also perfectly will suit also adults.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
