Sooner or later each parent faces a problem as quickly and without serious consequences to disaccustom the child to pampers at night. The main thing in this situation: not to go too far and not to force an event. It is enough to listen to the kid, the child will prompt, he is ready to this step or not.
1. In order that the child slept peacefully without pampers at night, he has to wean from them day in the afternoon and be accustomed to ask on a pot. To disaccustom him to pampers in the afternoon, many efforts are not required, it is necessary to stock up only with patience and to wait when the child is one and a half years old. At this particular time the kid consciously asks on a pot, feeling the natural desires.
2. It is recommended to disaccustom the kid to pampers gradually. To dress him only as necessary, on walk and during daytime and night sleep. All rest of the time when the child is without pampers, it is necessary to accustom to a pot, landing the kid at first through everyone half an hour, and then to increase a period, till two o'clock. The kid quickly will understand what parents want from him, and the positive result will not keep waiting long.
3. If the kid himself asks on a pot in the afternoon, there comes the moment when it is necessary to disaccustom the child to pampers during night sleep. That the kid all night long remained dry, slept peacefully and is serene, it is enough to follow some rules. At first for secure the kid should lay in a bed an oilcloth or a special disposable diaper which well absorbs moisture and does not cause strong irritation. It is also necessary not to forget before putting the child to bed, sit down him on a pot, in certain cases it will be enough that the kid overslept quietly all night long and did not pee the pants.