The milkwoman – a disease of the fungal nature. The reason of its emergence – Candidi albicans fungi. The kid can be infected by mother or someone from people around at non-compliance with rules of hygiene. Also the curious child who pulls everything in a mouth can get this disease. Candidiasis children with the weakened immunity and constantly belching babies have more often. In their oral cavity the acidic environment favorable for activity of a fungus is formed.
1. If the child became uneasy and badly eats, ask it to open a mouth and examine mucous membranes. Symptoms of candidiasis is the plentiful white raid or light films reminding dairy which are present at the sky, cheeks or language. Often they bring to the kid pain during meal or drink. In attempt to remove such film the wound remains a cotton tampon on its place. If the milkwoman is in the started stage, at the child the dry cough which is followed by vomiting - can be observed in case the fungus affects tonsils.
2. Ask for the help the children's doctor. He will examine the kid and will appoint treatment. Usually recommend to grease a mucous oral cavity with solution methylene blue or nystatin. Will add the main treatment and supportive external applications: aloe juice, solution of baking soda, medicine "Candide".
3. Regularly process a mouth of the kid. You do not hurry to stop treatment even at visible improvement. If completely not to cure the milkwoman, she will repeat again and again.
4. Before arrival of the expert you can facilitate a condition of the child a little. After each meal let's the kid drink a little boiled water. Thanks to it mucous it will be cleaned, thereby you deprive a food fungus.
5. Traditional medicine recommends to grease an oral cavity with infusion of flowers of a calendula. Way of preparation: fill in a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiled water and insist within an hour. The greasings by juice of turnip or carrots sweetened with honey can give good effect. Only before using these methods, surely consult with the doctor.
6. Sterilize all nipples and children's ware and also wash up hot water with soap or process soda solution of a toy of the kid in case they were a disease source.