The underestimated self-assessment causes a set of various troubles to the owners. Such people, as a rule, have problems in the communicative sphere which involve even more serious violations (both in the personal relations, and in the professional plan). For this reason it is so important to impart to the person self-confidence, beginning already with children's age.
It is required to you
- - conversations with the child;
- - encouragement of its initiative;
- - respect of the identity of the child;
- - normal microclimate in family;
- - visit of the children's developing circles, sections, etc.
1. Do not prevent undertakings of the child and always respect his aspiration to learn new. Encourage any initiative, instill confidence in own forces. If your kid masters any skill, be always ready to help it, but you do not say that you know how it is correct to do. Just you are nearby, prompt if it is required. Watch behavior of the child, his aspirations and desires. Do not try to limit it in games, do not insist that it seems to you more useful to it. Give to the kid an opportunity most to define, than he wants to be engaged (for example, music, sport or drawing).
2. Sincerely enjoy any even if in your opinion to insignificant achievement of the kid. For the child it anyway – big break.
3. Talk to the kid on various subjects: about the good and evil, about friendship, about mutual aid, about the attitude towards adults, about what is adulthood and what it differs from the childhood in. Pay attention and to sex education. Try to build the explanations in available, clear language for the child, you do not palter, be always frank. Children very sharply feel falseness.
4. Attentively listen to his opinion on each question, respect him. If the child is mistaken, softly, without sneers and reproaches try to overpersuade him. All this has to occur in the atmosphere of goodwill.
5. Be engaged in development of the child. You find time for together to esteem and discuss the interesting book, to watch the good animated film or the fairy tale.
6. Never compare the kid to other children at their presence, you do not become an intermediary in the relations between children, let them learn to communicate with each other. You in case of any problems can correct only their relations slightly.
7. Pay attention to your intra family relations with the husband. Consider that children very sharply endure all problems in communication of the parents. Therefore try to show mutual respect then the child will surely feel.
8. Consider specific features of your child. If by nature he is allocated with not too sociable character, do not abuse it for it, and help to deal with this problem, giving the classes eliminating communicative barriers.
9. Do not isolate the child from other children, you do not keep him under "a glass cap", preserving against all possible and impossible problems. The kid surely has to attend kindergarten, various circles and classes.
10. You treat it as to the personality, and in this case he will be sure quite. Also you remember that happiness is too extensive concept to write its recipe on one sheet of paper. The main thing – you love the child, respect his rights, care for it.