The ability to communicate in collective at each person is formed at the earliest stage of its development. Day nursery, kindergarten, school – in these institutions appear the groups on interests sooner or later. But how to rally children's collective which members are still a little familiar with each other and are not eager to contact?
It is required to you
- sense of humour, patience, goodwill, ability to communicate with children
1. The basis of unity of any collective, including children's, is an emotional proximity, partnership, a spiritual bond. To rally children, in every possible way stimulate at them so-called "spirit of unity". Develop for children of a game who will not demand a certain number of participants. Thus, you will be able to involve at the same time at once all the wards. Group games (especially command) will unite players a common goal – a victory in a competition. Members of teams will help to cope each other quicker with the task set by you, and after the game children will begin to discuss the impressions for a long time and to share emotions.
2. Besides collective games, offer children joint Sunday walks, visits of the museum or circus. Such actions are ideal for creation of the general positive emotional background in young collective. However, that joint sorties passed smoothly, you should put a lot of effort on their preliminary preparation.
3. One more way to unite children is to set for them the task which they will be able to execute only in common. For example, suggest them to prepare a theatrical sketch, the wall newspaper, etc. – and they will combine the efforts to search, and then to independent study of material. You will quickly notice that children, having been fond of a common goal, will become much the close friend to the friend.
4. At statement of a major educational or creative problem, divide children's collective into small subgroups and assign to them areas of responsibility. Let know to children that their direct work will be directed to the general success.
5. Practically in each collective there are traditions. Create them and you! Offer, for example, once a month to make a joint visit of art gallery or to the pool. At the same time do not forget to build dialogue as they for certain will want to contribute with children: to add yours or to offer the alternative options.