callosities on hands are formed not so often. Usually the people performing large volume of physical activity manually are subject to them. Such callosities can give the mass of inconvenience. Recipes of traditional medicine, the effect of which is not worse at all, than from patent medications, will help to cope with similar problem.
It is required to you
- - vegetable oil;
- - propolis;
- - onions peel;
- - vinegar;
- - aloe;
- - lemon crust;
- - milk;
- - prunes.
- Before going to bed apply vegetable oil on affected area of skin. At the same time strongly and carefully mass, knead dry callosity. Repeat this procedure daily, and the result will not keep itself waiting. Already several days later the callosity will soften and will gradually disappear.
- From propolis and fat make peculiar flat cake. Impose it on dry callosity and evenly distribute on affected area of skin.
- Take onions peel, put it in bank and fill in with vinegar. Densely close neck compressor paper that there air did not arrive. Leave solution in such state for two weeks. It has to be stored at the room temperature. After this sustained term the onions peel will be completely ready to use. Apply it to affected area, previously having smeared thick layer of fat or vaseline around callosity not to damage the thin surface of skin. Leave this medical compress for the night. When you wake up since morning, at first steam out callosity, and then scratch out it.
- There is effective recipe with use of lemon crust. Steam out callosity and for the night on the problem place bind lemon crust together with pulp. Repeat these actions for 2-3 days. Then slowly and carefully separate callosity.
- Take aloe leaf. Well wash up it, at the edges cut off prickles and cut leaf lengthways. After that put the fleshy party of leaf on callosity and fix by means of adhesive plaster. Leave this compress for day. It will soften callosity to the basis. Thus, its removal will be easy and painless.
- Use prunes for disposal of dry callosity. Boil it in hundred grams of milk within 15-20 minutes. Then get rid of stones. And apply pulp to callosity. After full cooling of compress, take hot prunes again and repeat action. Carry out this procedure at least 10 times per day.