How to receive the policy on the newborn

How to receive the policy on the newborn

Parents of the newborn baby have to take care not only of registration to him all official documents and a place of registration, but also of the policy of the compulsory health insurance (CHI) according to which the child will have the right to free medical care in the public medical institutions throughout the Russian Federation and in the territory of the states with which the Russian Federation concluded agreements on health insurance.


1. Policy of compulsory health insurance on child it is possible to receive in the place of the permanent residence in medical insurance company.

2. The policy is issued for the newborn only on the basis of the document on registration at the place of residence or stay. In the first case the constant policy, and in the second – temporary is issued. It will automatically last at extension of registration on the residence.

3. On the newborn it will be necessary for obtaining the policy for you: - the statement; - the birth certificate of the child which is issued in bodies of the REGISTRY OFFICE within 30 days since the birth of the kid; - the passport of the parent which has registration to that address to which this point of issue of policies territorially belongs.

4. It should be noted that the policy is issued on the same day and long it will not be required to wait.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
