The best animated films by Disney for kids: the list for viewing

The best animated films by Disney for kids: the list for viewing

It is impossible to present animation without Walt Disney and the studio created by him. "The Snow White and seven gnomes", "Winnie-the-Pooh Adventures", "The beauty and a monster" - the classics checked by time. But also novelties do not lag behind – "Corporation of Monsters", "Ice Age", Madagascar - were fallen in love to the little audience from the first days of a hire.

Walt Disney's studio The Walt Disney Company exists since 1923. Great variety of animated and feature children's films is during this time created. The most part from them became genre classics. In spite of the fact that many of tapes already very old, they do not seem irrelevant.

Children it is crazy about animated films by Disney for their unique fantastic atmosphere, for kind mood, beautiful characters.

The most popular Disney's cartoons for kids

From the most emergence the studio one by one released superpopular animated films. Many consider a secret of their success Walt Disney's ability to see the world the child's eyes.

It is known that Walt Disney to old age continued to play with the children's railroad.

The list of the animated films which underwent testing time: - "Snow White and seven gnomes" (1937); - "Bemb 1" (1942); - "Cinderella" (1949); - "Alice in Wonderland" (1951); - Peter Pan (1953); - "Sleeping Beauty" (1959); - "101 dalmatians 1" (1961); - "Book of the Jungle 1" (1967); - Robin Hood (1973); - "Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh" (1977). To part of them additional parts were drawn already later. Continuation received – the colourful tale of a fawn of Bembi in 2006, the history of improbable transformation of the ordinary good girl Zolushka into the princess in 2002 and 2007, the children's detective story "101 dalmatians 1" in 2003 and the story about the child of the jungle raised by a she-wolf - "The Book of the Jungle 1" in 2003.

Disney's animated films of 80th and 90th

80th and 90th of the last century were marked by emergence among Disney's animated films well-known "Little Mermaid" (1989), "The beauty and a monster" (1991 and 1997), Aladdin (1992, 1994, 1995), Winnie-the-Pooh (1999).

The most popular animated films by Disney of the 2000th

To this day does not pass also years that the animated film or art cinema of The Walt Disney Company studio did not appear in a hire. Each new release is looked forward by crowds of admirers of these animated films and also kids who know nothing about creators yet, but are glad to appearance of new interesting bright heroes. From the fresh pictures which won popularity both kids, and the adult audience it is possible to allocate the following: - "Corporation of Monsters" (2001, 2013); - "The Lion King" (2004); - "Wheelbarrows" (2004, 2006); - "Ice Age" (2002, 2006, 2009); - Madagascar (2005, 2008, 2012); - "VALL-I" (2008); - "Disgusting I" (2010, 2013) - Ralf (2012). Walt Disney's studio assigns to each full-length work serial number. Today 53 works – the last from them "Cold heart" in 2013 are released. In November, 2014 the release of the new animated film "Six of Heroes" is expected.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
