What baby sling will suit your kid

What baby sling will suit your kid

Slingonosheniye is considered the most ancient way of coexistence of mom and child. In ancient times women, having given birth to the kid, tied up them on themselves. Thus, they released to themselves hands. At that time there were no decrees and holidays, and young people to mothers nobody helped with household chores. Today the baby sling became popular: in it it is convenient to mom to move, and the kid is constantly pressed to the favourite and native person.


1. Baby slings are different, and it is necessary to select them depending on age. For newborns it is especially important to be with mom in the first months after the birth. All nine months only the mother's stomach therefore only with her to the kid it will be comfortable and safe was their world. For such cases there is a baby sling with rings. SSK is a piece of fabric about 70 centimeters wide and up to 2 meters long. On one end of this baby sling two metal or plastic rings, other end are sewed – it is free. Such baby sling from natural fabrics – linen, cotton is sewed. Some types of SSK last since they from sharfovy fabric. SSK by threading of the free end in rings is used so that fabric did not slide off from them. "Pocket" where have the kid turns out. The baby sling with rings rushes on one shoulder therefore it is necessary to change periodically the provision of a baby sling to avoid back pains. SSK is useful to 3-4 months of life of the child, then it is possible to change them for other look, with a support on two shoulders. But you do not hurry to hide this baby sling far in a case because it is useful to you when the child starts walking independently. SSK is quite compact, it is convenient to take it on walks without carriage. And when the child will be tired, you will be able quickly to put him in a baby sling and to carry until that asks to go again.

2. The baby sling scarf is considered a universal baby sling. It can be used since the birth of the kid and to his three-year age. But the more the child's weight, the becomes heavier to carry it in adaptation. It is notable because scarfs are sewed most often from knitted fabric which well last. Length of scarfs fluctuates between 2.5 up to 5.5 meters. Width usually is no more than 70 cm. The ends of a baby sling are slanted for convenience of bandaging. Upon purchase of a baby sling scarf instructions on a way of a sling will be offered you. It is not as difficult as it seems from outside. Scarfs perfectly distribute the child's weight therefore after long walks you will not feel back pain or on shoulders.

3. After 3-4 months the kid will not want to lie in SSK or in a scarf any more. He will want to consider the world, you, people. For the grown-up children there are baby slings in which vertical poses are used. For example, May baby sling. This type of a baby sling consists of a rectangular piece of fabric from which corners four straps depart. Two short straps, they are tied by a node on a belt. And two others, top and long, are stretched on mom's back, cross on a back of the kid, pass under legs of the child and are tied near lumbar knot. May baby sling is suitable for children who already were 4 months old. Then they can already support a back and the head. Loading of weight of the child goes on mom's shoulders. Wide straps will help mom to hold all weight and not to be tired. May – baby slings happen to head restraints that the head of the child was not rolled if he falls asleep. And if your baby sling has no head restraint, then it is necessary to hold the head with a hand because in this type of a baby sling there is no horizontal position.

4. Ergoryukzak. He is similar to a usual backpack of the tourist, but with cuts for hands, legs and the head. Straps of this baby sling wide, convenient, do not allow to be tired to shoulders at long walks. The child in a backpack is located in small dredging where the bottom drowns and legs rise. Having dressed once ergoryukzak and having adjusted it under itself, you for a long time lose from continuous windings. This baby sling is also convenient to these. Before walk you need just to put the kid in a baby sling, to clasp fasteksa, if necessary to tighten straps. Are sewed by Ergoryukzaki from dense fabric therefore there is in the summer an opportunity to sweat in him to not only the child, but also mom. But this problem is solved with the help of a mesh back and the least dense straps.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
