Most of parents mistakenly think that reddening on cheeks of the child speaks about his good health. Of course, the small flush happens, but at the same time it should not be followed by capillary streaks, peeling and heat-spots. Therefore the reasons of emergence of red cheeks in the kid can be absolutely different, but practically always they speak about emergence of any problems with health demanding the help of the doctor.
1. It is impossible to define the reason of red cheeks at the child unambiguously, here not to do without medical examination as the reasons for this purpose there can be a sufficient set. The redness on cheeks can appear because of overheating when the child too heat was dressed. In this case will be enough it to change clothes and to allow to drink waters.
2. High temperature can also become the reason of emergence of red cheeks in the child. Therefore, in this case, before taking some further actions, it is necessary to take body temperature at first.
3. In certain cases reddening of cheeks can appear because of allergic reaction. But to begin to treat an allergy, it is necessary to establish allergen and to eliminate it. Usually in this case appoint antiallergic creams or medicines.
4. Reddening on cheeks can cause a disease of an infectious eritema. Some days before emergence of red spots in the child, there are cold symptoms accompanied with the headache raised by temperature, vomiting or nausea.
5. Red spots can appear from behind a disease of a system red volchanka. It is also shown eritemy, but usually extends from a nose tip to cheeks, in the form of a butterfly. It can be also followed by rash, as well as at manifestations of measles.
6. The children's rozeola is a consequence of emergence of red spots on cheeks too. It is possible to determine it by sharp temperature increase of a body of the child and emergence in three or four days of a loose stool with slime. But cough and cold at the same time are absent.
7. Diathesis is the frequent reason of emergence of red cheeks in the child. Because of it in maternity hospitals the list of products which are forbidden the feeding mothers hangs. Usual semolina porridge can cause this reaction in spite of the fact that it is considered very useful. It is better to feed children with the porridges cooked at home. The safest of them, buckwheat is considered. A large number of flour products can also become the cause of diathesis. Generally diathesis passes without serious consequences for an organism, but you should not forget that it can become also the cause of a persistent allergy.
8. Remember that it is forbidden to self-medicate therefore at the first emergence of red cheeks it is better to see a doctor. Only the qualified specialist will appoint to you the correct and effective treatment.