Often children complain of leg pains. To the phenomenon it is a lot of reasons for that. At the first complaints, parents need to show the child to the doctor. The doctor will carry out survey, will establish the reasons and will appoint the corresponding treatment.
Many children, waking up at night, complain that they are hurt by legs. Aged from three up to ten years it is natural, the child tests what doctors call the pains connected with growth. It occurs because the child before puberty grows, increases length of the body more due to growth of legs, most quickly grow shins and feet. In places where there is a rapid growth of fabrics, the organism needs to provide a good blood-groove. Wide vessels which feed a bone and muscle can intensively supply with blood the growing fabrics, but in them few elastic fibers. The amount of these fibers will increase only by 7-10 years. From this it follows that the blood-groove in vessels increases at physical activity. At night during a dormant period, a tone of vessels decreases, blood circulation in quickly growing parts of a body slows down therefore the pain syndrome appears. Also orthopedic pathology, such as, scoliosis, violation of a bearing, flat-footedness can become the cause of pain in legs. At its existence, the center of gravity is displaced, and the largest pressure of a body is the share of any part of a leg (shin, foot, a joint or a hip). Congenital pathology of coxofemoral joints can become the cause of pains in legs also. Pain at the child in legs can be manifestation of congenital pathology of vessels and hearts. At congenital defects of the aortal valve, a koartation of an aorta the blood circulation in legs decreases. At these diseases of a leg hurt and do not obey, when walking the child can constantly stumble and fall. At such children the pulse on the lower extremities is probed poorly or absolutely is absent. If the child complains of heel pain, Achilles tendon stretching can be the cause. Pain in a middle part of foot, often is a foot arch disease symptom. The acute pain in a joint most often speaks about a trauma or a bruise. Close footwear, the grown nails, inflammation on a toe can become the reason also. Pain can sometimes appear from behind strong emotions or a stress.