Social networks were strongly included into life of each person. The photo, recipes, infinite reposts and video, personal correspondence – without it is difficult to present now modern society. Except social groups, many people have saytovy pages, blogs or groups. World zaspamlen likes and in millions of clicks. The question - how to bring group of VKontakte in a top, became nearly the first in search engine of Yandex.
The Internet – worldwide network for communication, full of fascinating information, portals and applications which tighten in virtual dimension with the head, forcing to forget about real problems. On the one hand, it is quite good, with another – the dependence is developed, there are virtual friends and darlings at distance who gradually force out real people. And still, by means of the Internet it is possible to earn money, and it is already great advantage. Everything that it is required – to create group of VKontakte to start earnings, to make it popular and to receive money for advertizing. By the same principle earn from own websites. But, if the website needs to be "collected" and to place money for use of the domain, then with group everything is much simpler – it is possible to create it on the official page in five minutes. Other question – how to attract in it crowds of people.
How to make so that the group was noticed
It is simple to guess that the more at you real subscribers (not clones), the group in search delivery rises above. A lot of things depend on the name – the sea of the same headings are lost in the bulk, and your hundred-thousandth "Traditional medicine" is lost, without having managed to be selected even on the first page, and, as we know, seldom what user will go to look for information on the second or third page. Connect imagination, think up such heading which will interest the reader in the originality. It is better that the nazvananiye of group was direct, we will allow: "Female intuition", but not "Secrets of a female intuition". To learn how often people the topic "Female Intuition" interests, it is necessary to enter heading in Vordstat - service for selection of words and to click "show". Through couple of moments you will see the number of requests in a month. The more requests, the more visitors to you will glance. The heading which gives 50 demonstrations a month will bring you no more than 1-3 visitors a day provided that you will fill up the page with tricks and photos. Not densely. Having selected the name in 2000 and above demonstrations in a month, your chances significantly increase. Draw conclusions, experiment.
If you do not avoid "black" methods of promotion by means of lifeless accounts, be ready that your group will very quickly get to the ban. Also, forget about offer (people who for a monetary payment join to you the group, and do not visit her any more). Such people hang invisible ballast, and search robots learned to find deceivers.
The main rule – people should be living. Live, and in any way differently! How to draw attention? Everything is simple. Use advertizing services, asking for the help administrators of more promoted communities, but at first trace work of the pleasant page.
One more important detail – you ordered advertizing, and the people little by little went. It is impossible to stop on it. Fill up content in group every day, add amusing pictures, create polls or competitions. The group should be active, should carry away and attract interest, but not melancholy the worn-out expressions and quotes. If content in group boring, copied from others websites, then any advertizing does not force the person to remain with you.
Do not forget about competition. On the website "Mutagen" it is possible to learn in what place your group searching is. If "search" showed more than 25 – you are very far from a pedestal. The recommended level for initial start 4-5. If the group is created long ago, then 10-15. Everything is relative. In the same place "tails", that is, the headings similar to yours, with an approximate extract of demonstrations in a month are shown.
That robots found you among others rather, it is necessary to be indexed, that is, to report about group in Yandex. If not to make it, then robots very long will look for your group, so, and people long will not see heading searching. To accelerate process, come on Yandex the webmaster, enter the address in the field, and click "add".
It is desirable to send in such a way each new post – thus, you maintain uniqueness of the text. All difficult – is simple, the main thing not to be afraid and always to try something new.