How to browse the closed pages of VKontakte

How to browse the closed pages of VKontakte

Social network "VKontakte" – the modern and dynamically developing Internet resource. If you are the registered user of the website, before you possibilities of communication and information exchange open. However there are some pages which are protected by privacy settings.


1. First of all, visit the website. If you left your account, you will be able to browse pages after authorization on the website. Viewing any page for the non-authorized user is impossible, and attempts to open any section of the website return you on the login page and authorizations.

2. If you cannot look at information on the user, you need to add him as a friend. Any person on the website can have a closed photo album. You will not be able to browse in any way it unless at a personal request.

3. Also in VKontakte there is a great number of groups on interests. Open groups allow to browse contents without any restrictions. However there are closed groups and to have an opportunity to use their content, you should join the group or to submit the application for the introduction (it will be considered by moderators of group).

4. For foreign viewing pages of statistics of groups are usually closed. Access to them is configured by the creator. Sometimes the founder provides access to administrators. If to assign you that, you will be able to watch statistics.

5. If the user turned off commenting of a photo or video, you have an opportunity only to browse a resource without an opportunity to leave notes. You can add the new file to the account and lift limits, then other users will be able to comment. In this way there is a work with information which is located in groups.

6. Sometimes at forums offer programs or scripts for viewing the closed pages of VKontakte. Their use is not recommended because can constitute potential danger. The administration of the website cares for confidentiality of data and does not offer service of this sort.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
