First of all the electronic directory is necessary to systematize a large amount of information. It allows to break data into groups, and it considerably facilitates to them access.
1. For a start to a pdumayta what the electronic directory is necessary for you for. If, for example, you want to increase titsa (thematic index of citing) of several web resources by means of placement of links to them in the directory, then you need the reference catalog. If the electronic directory is necessary for you for online store, then the way of creation and its type will be others. So, if all of you want to increase the thematic index of citing the websites, select subject of the directory. Develop headings, design, using graphics editors. You can charge this occupation to the specialist, so you will save a lot of time.
2. Find the domain and a hosting which support mysql and phph. Surely pay special attention to domain level. Level should be not less the first if you want the thematic index of citing the websites to be high. Use special programs for creation of the electronic directory. Applications exist both paid, and free. Be attentive when downloading – you can load the files containing viruses on your computer. For this reason at first study applications for creation of online catalogs. After you select what program to use, visit the official site of this application (usually the resource is called the same as the program).
3. If you have knowledge in the sphere of web programming, can independently write the code for the electronic directory. It, of course, can take a lot of time. Register the directory in the database of electronic directories after it is ready. Advantage will be that it will be possible to do mailing on the websites subsequently to include them in the directory.
4. Employ the moderator in order that he monitored work of your online catalog, or execute it. Insufficiently just to make the directory, it is also necessary to update it periodically and to support stable work of a web resource. Especially relevant it, when it comes to the electronic directory of online store.