It is not necessary to turn into the hacker if it is required to learn the IP address from which the e-mail was sent you. It is enough to follow the known algorithm of actions which does not represent the classified information.
It is required to you
- - computer
- - Internet connection
1. For a start enter the mail by means of the full version of the web interface. WAP or PDA in this case will be inappropriate. Then open the e-mail which sender you want to find.
2. If you use Mail.Ru resource mail, then further select the link "Still" which is located in the lower part of a window of the browser and click the Control headings point. If your box is located on Yandex, select the Properties of the Letter tab which lies in In the addition point. The owner of an e-mail on should click the button with an arrow down which is located to the right of the link "Answer" then to click a mouse on "Show the original".
3. As a result on the screen (sometimes as a separate tab) the long text should be designated. Select from it a line of the following view: Received: from domainn.ame (domainn.ame []). The value will also represent the IP address from which this letter came.
4. If you noticed several lines having a similar appearance, then take into consideration only the first of them, it will contain the code necessary to you. However, if the first line displays the address which begins with digits 192.168, then you should contact the second line from the list.
5. Take into account that very often hooligan letters are sent by means of the anonymous proxy server. In other cases nothing can perform as the author of similar mailings the owner of the computer suspecting about their existence with viruses. In other options, including when the letter sent you contains threats, report the calculated IP address in department "To" the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Under no circumstances do not spread the information got by you and do not involve them in actions of destructive orientation.