Each webmaster who is engaged in promotion and advance of the website, knows how competent interchange by links is important in the course of promotion of the project on the Internet. Link exchange is favorable also to you, and your partners. So you not only receive from them favorable inflow of traffic, but also provide them a certain promotion thanks to the publication on the website of their links. There are certain rules of link exchange which need to be considered for the greatest efficiency of promotion of online project.
1. The websites with which you exchange links should be available and not oversaturated by information among which it will be difficult to visitor to find the necessary things. Perceive link exchange as the offer of the website to potential partners, but not as advertizing.
2. At link exchange the website is automatically perceived as useful and recommended for visit, and the main result of such exchange is increase in the index of citing the website (TIC). Always exchange links only with those websites which anyway correspond to subject of your website. Qualitative thematic links – guarantee of development of the website and increase in its index of citing.
3. You monitor that links were not issued in the form of a redirect or a script as similar links will not be perceived by search engines and directories of the websites. Besides, your links should not be the hidden nofollow or noindex parameters. The website on which there is a link shall be in the index.
4. Be not overzealous with the number of links – on your website there should not be more than thirty affiliate links. From time to time trace whether response placements of your links work at the websites of partners correctly.
5. If links for some reason do not function, contact the webmaster of the partner website. Also surely trace whether placed your reference on the homepage of the main domain, but not on the subdomain, and whether links to your website are straight lines.
6. Try to work with checked and long ago the existing websites – their links are considered as entrusted and have big weight for TIC raising. Give preference to the websites with a small amount of outgoing links – the response link to your website from such resources will be more powerful, than from a resource with a large number of outgoing links. And certainly, think over the ankorny text of future link – it should be made competently, and at it there have to be keywords and phrases for further identification of links search engines.