Door — the mechanism which allows to close and open passes to Minecraft. There are two types of doors — iron and wooden. The last can be made at the initial stages of a game and to use them for protection against monsters.
How to create a door?
The wooden door can be created only on a workbench from any boards. You need six blocks of boards on a door and four on a workbench. Boards are created from wood which is extracted by "naked" hands from a trunk of any tree.
Find the next suitable tree, guide at it "sight", click and do not release the left mouse button, you will not get the wood block yet. Repeat the procedure three times. Consider that the radius of your action — three blocks.
Open a stock window. In it there is a so-called area of craft - it is four cells located a square to the right of the image of your character. This area is necessary for creation of objects. Place the extracted wood in any cell, get from a total window of a board. Now arrange four boards, having filled all cells of craft, so you will make a workbench.
Open double doors allow to float through them by boats.
Arrange a workbench on the earth, after creation of a door you will be able to sort it by means of the left mouse button. Cause the interface of a workbench by means of the right mouse button. Before you the area of craft sizes three on three blocks will open. With its help in the future you will create weapon, tools, mechanisms, an armor and other objects. Arrange six boards so that to fill two any next verticals (six cages). So you receive a door.
Why doors are necessary?
At installation of a door of a loop always appear at the left, and the handle on the right. The "right" door can be received installation of double doors in the next cages. They work independently of each other therefore many players synchronize them by means of a game analog of electricity — a red stone.
On the top edges of doors it is possible to go quietly.
Doors are necessary not only for protection of own dwelling. In villages which can be met in the world of a game the inhabitants consider the houses the doors surrounded with blocks. That is the number of dwellings in the settlement is considered by quantity of doors. With their help it is possible to broaden any village that in it more inhabitants appeared.
Because of features of the engine of a game the normal wooden doors can be used as stationary air shelters under water. It is enough to install a door on a bottom and to open it click of the right mouse button. It will create an air bubble in which the character will be able to breathe.
Wooden doors can be opened manually. Iron open only by means of switches which activate stone red signals. At the same time, at the high levels of complexity the aggressive monsters can break open a wooden door, but iron it too hard.