How to note all in the application

How to note all in the application

The social network "VKontakte" is a microcosm in which it is possible to make exchange of any of types of information - from text to entertaining. There are games, so-called, applications. That you had a competitive spirit, there is an opportunity to invite in applications of friends.


1. Some part of games is constructed so that for obtaining any given privileges you need to invite friends. The more friends, the there are more opportunities. Besides today on social network such unit of exchange as voices is used. For them it is possible to buy and give a premium objects. If your voices a little, perhaps, the friend is able to help you.

2. First of all, you should open the application. Not to interfere with the process of a game, it is better to make the invitation of friends till its beginning. The scheme is quite simple. Below, under the main window of a game is several two links: "Invite friends" and "Complain". Click the first.

3. The window in which left side there is a list of your friends will open. Opposite to each of them there will be an icon in the form of a plus. You ate will click it, the name of the friend will move to the right column. Add friends until invite all if you need it. Perhaps, someone from them put restriction for invitations in applications, then to add his name at you it will not turn out.

4. After the list of friends whom you want to see in a game was created, click "Invite". Wait until requests are sent. The same way friends are added on videos, the photo and in the VKontakte groups.

5. If you found the reference to the program or the script allowing to note once all, for certain this outdated and non-working offer. The website of VKontakte dynamically develops and cares for privacy settings of users therefore the security of actions becomes more and more.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
