During creation of online store one of the most difficult moments is the organization of payment of goods. Easily we resolve this issue through SpryPay service.
1. Pass to the address of service then press the Registration button. Enter your e-mail the address, the password for access to the account and also the answer to one of options of a confidential question necessary for password recovery in case of its loss. Press the registration button then pass to your e-mail and activate your account.
2. Enter on the website, using logiya and the password specified at registration. Click on the link "Lists of Shops" then select "Add shop". Enter the name of your online store and also its address into networks. Upon completion of this operation you will be redirected on the page of settings in case you have problems, press the Support button.
3. After you install the settings, necessary for you, pass to the List of Shops page for receiving a form of request of payments. Generate a form of request of payment and insert it on the website of your online store.
4. Configure cost for each goods by means of the Add Goods tab. If you experience difficulties and to you something is unclear, resort to SPPI of documentation or press the Support button.
5. At the initial stage it is recommended to add the greatest possible quantity of payment methods for identification of the most popular. Further you will be able to evaluate what payment methods are most popular and to remove those which are practically not used – it will allow to facilitate process of selecting payment methods for the client.
6. The most favorable way of withdrawal of money is transfer to the cash card of VISA/MasterCard – in this case you lose only one percent from the amount of transfer. To the second in advantages there is a transfer to a purse of WebMoney – the cost of services will be three percent.
7. One of additional pluses of this service is that with its help you will be able to pay a number of third-party services, namely, television, the Internet, cellular communication, etc., without withdrawing money from the virtual account.