How to win voices

How to win voices

Voices are a virtual currency of social network "VKontakte". Voices are necessary to buy stock for applications games to raise rating or to give gifts to other users. And votes can be received not only by purchase for real money, they can be earned or won on the website of VKontakte.


1. Participate in competitions or actions of the most visited groups. Some of them provide some number of votes as a prize. Mainly it competitions on the best photo, the drawing, a hand-made article, the story or the conceptual idea of goods. It is possible to find such groups and by means of search engines, and directly in social network.

2. Carefully develop the idea and a plot, try to be original. Outline the action plan.

3. Implement the idea it is fresh and it is whenever possible original. For example, if you participate in a competition of the photo of people on streets, rehearse situation and a mimicry of heroes of a photo, involve crowd - ask people to pose, decorate the place in a special way. You remember — it is necessary to select beautiful places, it is desirable popular which are visited by a large number of people. Then there is a probability that during the vote the voice will be given by those who often come to any given place.

4. Process the photo originally and beautifully. It is insignificant small percent of photos it turns out ideally, the majority of pictures needs color correction, the size or removal of unnecessary objects.

5. Charge this business to the people able to process photos or correct pictures in the graphics editor. For this purpose find lessons of image processing in the Internet. If something is unclear, ask authors of lessons.

6. You monitor applications which give voices for the invited friend. Usually for each friend a small amount of voices is given, but sometimes games carry out actions too, and then it is possible to win several times more virtual money.

7. Do small rates in games or groups. If you are accompanied by good luck, then you will also increase number of votes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
