Where to download books for the e-book

Where to download books for the e-book

The most ardent fans of reading constantly monitor a question of that interesting to esteem. Owners of e-books have an opportunity to download texts free of charge on the Internet. It is very convenient, especially in network there is a set of opportunities, and even the choosiest reader will find that to him to liking.

It is a little about the e-book

The e-book call the device for reading texts. Information in "eReader" needs to be loaded, and previously to have it on any electronic medium. Upon purchase of the device in his memory practically there are always several texts.

These texts are called e-books too.

Where to take electronic texts

Books for the electronic reader can be found the following ways:
- In points of sale of e-books. Some outlets suggest to download immediately upon purchase of the device in it texts. They take places a little therefore a large number can go in them.

- Shops of disks, music, book points. E-books on disks are released (formats CD, DVD, DVD-R). On one such media the whole library can go in. Further it will be necessary just to load the selected book in the device.

- Download on the Internet. It is the most widespread, convenient and cheap way of acquisition of texts. It is practically possible to find in a world wide web everything, only existence of network and a little time is necessary.

Downloading of books on the Internet

- Digital libraries. These are the special websites devoted to this subject. Books are divided into groups here, it is possible to set search by genres, by authors, by names and other criteria. Here it is possible to read responses, comments on any given work. Digital libraries are regularly replenished with new products, it is also possible to find logs, scientific, educational literature, media files in them. Some of the popular library Internet portals: lib.ru, kodges.ru, flibusta.net, mobiknigi.ru

- Book Internet services. These are special book search engines. It is required to hammer the title of the necessary book into a line and search with use of all Internet libraries and other resources will begin. The point of this service is that in the found positions only those books which can be downloaded are reflected. In comparison with digital libraries this search allows to save a lot of time, generalizing all information in one place. In some book search engines there is an opportunity to look for literature on phrases or separate words. Popular: Biblio, eBdb, google books, Search of books.

- Through search engine. In cases if the desirable text did not manage to be found in book directories, it is necessary only to use the general searcher. In the found data all links using keywords will be specified, and it will be not only books. Therefore it is necessary as it is possible to form request more precisely.

Formats of books

Possible formats of text files: txt, fb2, rb, rtf, pdf, djvu, epub, html, doc.

It is preferable to download:

Special programs for electronic texts - fb2.
Books for text editors - txt, rtf, doc.
Picture-books – pdf.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
